Attorney Stresses Nothing To Fear

In Joining Daughters of Bilitis

"A person is as secure in the Daughters of Bilitis, or the Kattachino Society, as he would be an any other fraternal or social organization which makes certain demands of its members and requires that they accept certain beliefs in order to become members,"

Thus stated Kenneth C Zwerin, San Francisco attorney, at the March public discussion meeting of the Daughters of Bilitis.

Commenting on the fact that the Daughters is now a legally chartered non-profit corporation in the State of California, Mr. Zwerin told the group to "forget about the mailing lista or member ship lists being turned over to the police or postal author iti es it won't happen."


In fact, the attorney pointed out, if you mind your own business and use "good manners" you will not get into any trouble at all.

"Any minority is in danger of having things said about it, but they aren't worth worrying about," he deglared. "As far as the security of your job is concerned any employer can fire without reason. If you do your job well you have little to fear but if you're worried about your private life all the time you probably won't do good work and will get fired."

The femalo deviate is much more secure than the male for three

basic reasons, Mr. Zwerin said. These are: 1) by her very bio logical nature she is not pro miscuous; 2) she prefers a quiet do me sti o type of life, and 3) she does not solicit in public places.

The law prohibiting oral-genital contact has never been applie to two women in the State of California, he said, only to two There have been no cases reported in California involvin homosexual charges against two consenting adult women.


In many cases of arrests, Mr. Zwerin said, the person arre sted, whether guilty or not, feels guilty be cause he or sho knows they are homosexual. Therefore they tend to ple ad guilty and fail to obtain their legal rights.

In discussing a person's legal rights in case of arrest; Mr. Zwerin emphasized that you should never plead guilty.
